One of the biggest recurring disappointments of my elementary-school days was thinking that I was going to class to see a movie, and finding out I was really going to be sitting through a crappy filmstrip presentation.

If you don’t remember filmstrips, consider yourself fortunate. Filmstrips were basically automated slideshows of still images with the soundtrack provided via an LP record. Because these shows were generally limited to a dozen or so images, it seemed as though each still image lingered on the screen for hours, though it was really more like two to three minutes.
Like filmstrips, even classic car ads can sometimes seem a little dull without some action to stoke the imagination.
What we have collected here are 16 classic car ads, each of which includes a moving vehicle, or at least a vehicle treated so as to appear to be in motion.
Check them out and tell us which is your favorite. The place to leave comments is down below. Oh, and if you ever suffered through a filmstrip, tell us about that, too.
The X-Pile: Mystery Scenes from the Service Station
Cars in Motion
1903 Oldsmobile

Our Favorite Oldsmobiles (Gallery)
1930 Chrysler

Pentastar Madness! A Gallery of Classic Chrysler Ads
1931 Oldsmobile

Rocket Madness! 10 Classic Oldsmobile Ads
1935 Ford

5 More Cars I Never See On The Road Anymore
1946 Mercury

Quicksilver Madness! 15 Classic Mercury Ads
1958 Chevrolet Corvette

Consumer Guide Car Stuff Podcast, Episode 19: C8 Corvette, RIP Holden
1959 MG Magnette

1960 Jaguar Mark II

Photo Feature: 1970 Jaguar XJ6 Four-Door Sedan
1963 Saab

1964 Studebaker Avanti

South Bend Madness! 10 Classic Studebaker Ads
1964 Oldsmobile F-85 4-4-2

The Oldsmobiles of 1973
1973 Dodge Challenger

Model-Year Madness! 10 Classic Coupe Ads From 1973
1973 BMW 2002

Foreign Matter: Pricing the Imports of 1973
1973 Datsun 280-Z

1980 Buick Skylark

Badge-Engineering Madness! 10 Classic X-Car Ads
2011 Jaguar XJ

Listen to the Consumer Guide Car Stuff Podcast
Car in Motion