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1973 Dodge Dart Sport Rallye: Favorite Car Ads

1973 Dodge Sport Rallye Ad
1973 Dodge Sport Rallye

Sure, the art is a little adolescent, but that’s not what makes this ad so strange. The muscle-car era had definitively come to a conclusion by the end of 1972, and the car-in-motion drawing seen here was just a desperate attempt by Dodge to keep the nation’s performance-car energy flowing. Strangely, that’s not really what the text of this ad suggests. In fact, I have no actual idea what the point of this ad—or this car—is.

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For those not in the know, the muscle-car era came to a close as a result of a tragic triumvirate of events: the introduction of low-lead gas (resulting in lower fuel-octane ratings), rising fuel prices, and massive increases in sporty-car insurance premium rates.

That said, this ad seems to suggest that there is more to performance—than performance? I’ve read the copy dozens of times, and remain baffled by what is being proposed here.

“If you understand what happens when you couple a 2.94 rear end to a wide-ratio 4-speed…you’re the one were after.”

Well, I’m not the one Dodge is after.

Read the text of the ad, I have a few things to complain about:

1973 Dodge Sport Rallye Ad

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1973 Dodge Sport Rallye Ad

The “Rallye” suspension was probably a nice ad, and on roads such as the one depicted, could be of genuine performance value. That said, the addition of power steering to the mix would have sucked all the road feel out of the equation. Though nice in parking lots, early Seventies American power steering simply dulled responsiveness.

So, what is it Dodge is selling here?

My best guess is that Dodge was testing the waters on something along the line of a touring car, the likes of which were best built at the time by Audi and BMW. But in 1973, Dodge could never admit such a thing, and covering the car with graphic stickers—in muscle-car style—rather confused the message additionally.

The Dart Sport Rallye must have been pretty rare, because it didn’t serve up much a traditional Dodge, or muscle-car shopper, might have wanted at the time. That said, it probably made for a fine highway/rural-drive commuter vehicle, serving up reasonable power and good—for 1973—fuel economy.

But, that’s not what the ad says. So, Dodge, I decry your strangely oblique ad copy and your even stranger car. Had you—and your marketing folks—not been afraid to position this car as something other than what it was, you might have started an interesting trend. Maybe.

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