Cars in Cigarette Ads
Cars in Cigarette Ads

Given how socially vilified cigarettes and other tobacco products are today, it may be difficult for people much under the age of 40 to recall a time when smoking was not only generally accepted, it was openly promoted.

Try and imagine Chevrolet today engaging in cross promotion with a cigarette brand. Yet, in 1958, no one thought it odd that Chevy might attach its name, reputation, and marketing might to a raffle campaign with Hit Parade cigarettes. Of course, it was once completely fine for Fred and Barney to take an on-screen smoking break (see ad below).

For your consideration–and mostly for your amusement–we have gathered 20 vintage cigarette print ads, each of which features a vehicle in plain sight. let us know if these ads now feel a little strange to you.

Special Challenge

See if you can identify the cars in the Herbert Tareyton, Lucky Strike, first Pall Mall, and Rothmans ads. Let us know what you think they are in the comments section below.

More classic car ads

Cars in Cigarette Ads


Where a man belongs, Land Rover
Camel Cigarettes Ad


Herbert Tareyton

Herbert Tareyton Ad
Herbert Tareyton Cigarettes Ad


Hit Parade

Hit Parade Cigarettes
Hit Parade Cigarettes Ad


L&M Cigarettes

L&M Cigarettes Ad
L&M Cigarettes Ad



Lark Cigarettes Ad
Lark Cigarettes Ad

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Lark Cigarettes Ad
Lark Cigarettes Ad


Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike Cigarettes Ad


Old English

Old English
Old English Tobacco Ad


Old Gold

Old Gold Cigarettes Ad, Santa, Jeep,
Old Gold Cigarettes Ad


Old Gold

Old Gold Cigarettes Ad, Bronco, Cars in Cigarette Ads
Old Gold Cigarettes Ad

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Pall Mall

Pall Mall, Cars in Cigarette Ads
Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad


Pall Mall

Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad
Pall Mall Cigarettes Ad



Player's Weights
Player’s Weights Cigarettes Ad



Raleigh Cigarettes Ad
Raleigh Cigarettes Ad

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Raleigh Cigarettes Ad
Raleigh Cigarettes Ad



Rothmans Cigarette Ad
Rothmans Cigarette Ad



Salem Cigarettes Ad
Salem Cigarettes Ad



Viceroy Cigarettes Ad
Viceroy Cigarettes Ad



Viceroy Cigarettes Ad
Viceroy Cigarettes Ad



Viceroy Cigarettes Ad
Viceroy Cigarettes Ad

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