The story of the preservation of a record-setting 1958 Chrysler 300 has earned a gold medal for the author who wrote about it in Collectible Automobile®, Consumer Guide® Automotive’s bimonthly automotive-history companion magazine. In addition, the magazine and CG’s Daily Drive blog both drew a pair of bronze medals when the 25th International Automotive Media Awards (IAMA) were presented on July 31.
Freelance writer Andy Mikonis won the gold for “Record Collector: The Story of a Special 1958 Chrysler 300-D,” which ran in the June 2015 issue. Entered in the Collector Car category for magazine writing, the article recounted the car’s season on the Bonneville Salt Flats and the California dry lakes, and its subsequent survival. The award is the first to Mikonis for an article published in CA. Overall, it was the fourth IAMA gold given for a Collectible Automobile® article in a six-year span.
Another regular contributor to the magazine, Patrick Foster, collected a bronze award in the Biography class for “George W. Romney: ‘Bet Every Last Dollar in Yourself’”. The April 2015 profile of the one-time head of American Motors Corporation earned Foster a second consecutive writing medal, and brought the total number of CA articles with IAMA honors since 2009 to eight.

The magazine itself collected a bronze medal in the Single-Issue category for its circulation class. The award recognized the June 2015 edition. CA has won 13 medals in the category since 2002.
One of the two Daily Drive awards went to Consumer Guide® Automotive Publisher Tom Appel for “I Broke the 50-MPG Barrier Driving Through Wisconsin. It Was Hell.” The account of his quest for peak fuel economy at the wheel of a Mitsubishi Mirage was initially posted on May 18, 2015. Entered in the Digital Travel classification, it landed Appel his fourth IAMA recognition since 2009. The other was presented to this writer in the Digital Commentary/Opinion group for “Martin Milner and the Automobile on Television.” The appreciation of the late Route 66 and Adam-12 star first ran on September 9, 2015, and won its author a second straight IAMA medallion.
The awards were announced at a morning ceremony held in conjunction with the annual Concours d’Elegance of America at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan. The IAMAs recognize entered works on automotive topics produced for print, broadcast, video, multimedia, and the Internet. The latest awards were open to work published or broadcast in 2015. Judging is by peers, to a standard, on a 100-point scale. Thus, gold, silver, or bronze awards may not always be made in every category if entries do not score at the specified levels. The nonprofit International Society for Vehicle Preservation administers the IAMA program.
Daily Drive and Collectible Automobile® Win Multiple Awards